Breaking Free from Pornography

You are not alone and there is hope!

Resources for Freedom from Pornography

  • Covenant Eyes – Helpful accountability and filtering software with over 1.5 million users, plus great resources. Free for Benedictine College students.
  • Fight The New Drug – A national movement with over 6 million followers, top-notch documentary, articles, speakers, “porn kills love” shirt.
  • Real-Time Management Strategies – A 33 day, peer-to-peer, coaching program designed to position 18-28 year old guys to break up with porn, for good. Founded by Will Schmitz and Sal Marcello, this program features weekly phone calls, daily texting, Discord, movies, playlists and more all geared toward creating separation from porn and progress toward personal goals.
  • Fortify Program – A science-based recovery tool to help individuals quit pornography through comprehensive training, real-time analytics, and interactive support so that more people can find greater happiness and lasting love.
  • Strive Program – Experience powerful videos and challenges delivered daily to help you break free from pornography for good.
  • Exodus 90 – Exodus 90 is a ninety-day spiritual exercise for men based on three pillars: prayer, asceticism and fraternity.
  • Unwanted by Jay Stringer – A helpful book for freedom from pornography. This book helps people gain awareness and healing for some of the emotional, relational and family wounds underneath pornography and unwanted sexual behavior.

Resources for Sexual Integrity and Chastity

  • The Chastity Project – Great videos and resources for young adults and teens about love, dating and sexuality from Jason and Crystalina Evert.
  • Theology of the Body Institute – A global community of men and women who are renewing culture at its roots by learning, living, and sharing Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.
  • Eden Invitation – A movement celebrating personal integration and promoting solidarity beyond the LGBT+ paradigm. They provide hopeful resources and online support groups as well.
  • Desert Stream – Desert Stream Ministries offers an immersive small group program called “Living Waters”. Consider this worthwhile opportunity to encounter the transforming power of Merciful Jesus in areas of sexual/relational brokenness. These safe, confidential groups run throughout the year in Kansas City. For more information, contact Marco Casanova.
  • Courage – A Roman Catholic apostolate for men and women who experience same-sex attractions and those who love them. The Courage Chapter at Benedictine College is for students who experience Same-Sex Attraction. The Chapter meets on Wednesday evenings at a confidential location. Please contact Fr. Gabriel Landis, OSB for more information.

Freedom from Pornography Addiction

If you have been trying the above resources and continue to habitually fall into pornography, there is a chance that you have a pornography addiction. You can try taking the SAST, a free, anonymous online assessment for pornography/sexual addiction.

You are not alone in this struggle, and there are groups, spiritual directors and counselors at Benedictine College that are here to help men and women with pornography addiction! If you’re serious about healing from addiction, follow the “Three-Legged Stool.”

1. Spiritual Direction

Contact Benedictine College Campus Ministry to set up spiritual direction. The FOCUS missionaries, SPO missionaries, and many other groups are also available for spiritual support. Spiritual Direction Info

2. Recovery Groups

There are multiple recovery groups throughout the week at Benedictine College:

  • Conquer – Confidential men’s pornography recovery group. Contact Sam Meier, MA, LPC or Fr. Jay Kythe, OSB for details.
  • Student-Led Groups – There are several student-led pornography recovery groups for Benedictine College men. To learn more, contact Josh Schroeder.
  • Goretti Group – Student-led, confidential accountability group for any Benedictine College woman who needs help combatting sins of impurity and desires to grow in virtue. Contact Goretti Group
  • Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) – There are many SA meetings in the Kansas City metro area, as well as in the cities of Lansing and St. Joseph. Visit the Kansas City SA website for details. These groups are helpful for finding a sponsor to work SA’s 12 Steps. There are SA women’s groups that meet on Zoom. Visit for more information. An increasing number of Catholic and Christian women are breaking free though SA meetings!

3. Professional Counseling

There are multiple professional counselors who are trained in pornography addiction:

  • Benedictine College Counseling Services – Set up a free, confidential session by filling out the counseling request form on the website. several of our counselors have training for pornography addiction, including Sam Meier (MA, LPC, CSAT Candidate) and Jennifer Cavin (MA, LPC, SATP).
  • My House Workshop – This three-day Catholic workshop occurs multiple times throughout the year in Kansas City, featuring Fr. Sean Kilcawley, Dr. Todd Bowman, and Michael Ciaccio, LPC. Visit Website